KCSDaily Reviews : KUCINO

8 min readAug 23, 2021


On August 16th, KCSDaily completed a community poll in our Telegram group that asked which non-dex project was the favorite on KuCoin Community Chain. KUCINO pulled away from KuKafe Finance in the late hours of the poll to take a win 31% to 27%, with TIKU coming in third at 20%.

This poll was originally created just to pass the time and give a measure of community participation from the non-dex projects on the chain. As most people familiar with KCC know, the chain seems to mainly consist of dexes and communities centered around them. But after a member asked “what prize for winner?” in the KUCINO Telegram, we at KCSDaily decided that some sort of prize would be a good idea. With our second Medium post, we’ve decided to delve into the KUCINO project and explain some of its main features.

KCSDaily takes a look at KUCINO on KuCoin Community Chain

As one of the 9 projects listed on our Approved Coins list, we already knew KUCINO was a legit project with a very active developer. And while we constantly keep up with the progress of KUCINO, our team is not really the gambling type, so unfortunately we haven’t used KUCINO until now. However, this gives us the ability to approach the project from the perspective of a brand new user, and we will report on this experience fairly and transparently.

Please remember that KCSDaily will never provide financial advice of any sort. We do not review smart contracts or privately dox anyone. Nothing written here is advice about technical analysis or market analysis. Instead, please view this piece as a review of the usability and enjoyment of the KUCINO interface.

Front page of KUCINO

When you load the KUCINO front page, you get a pleasant color scheme that we here at KCSDaily are particularly fond of, probably because it reminds us a little bit of our own! What we like about the front page is the immediate links to the casino games. There is no need to dig around through multiple menus or search through different pages.

What we don’t like about the front page is almost everything after the list of games. I’m no stranger to tokenomics and whitepapers, but the long list of tokenomics features causes my eyes to glaze over. It probably doesn’t help to see it all written in the same white font with the same neon green-ish background. This may seem nitpicky, but loading the page and quickly scrolling down presents one long wall of text and against that particular background color scheme, although we like it in small amounts, begins to look a little messy and unorganized.

KCSDaily would recommend cleaning up the front page to make it more presentable. Perhaps just offering a button to show and hide the tokenomics would be a good start, or even hosting them on a separate page. Most people will come to this site to play the casino games, which is the main appeal. The tokenomics are definitely a key feature, but we recommend putting a stronger emphasis on the games by making their links/buttons stand out more and lessening the emphasis of the tokenomics. As it stands, the tokenomics section looks identical to the links to the games, and this causes a bit of confusion for the new user.

The website’s footer is also packed a little too full with links for our liking. It is a testament to the transparency and professionalism of the team to have everything readily available, but scrolling past the games into the tokenomics and links in the footer caused a bit of information overload. A slight redoing of the homepage to make it more simple and a little less bloated would do wonders in our opinion.

While the transparency and organization is applauded, the excessive links caused information overload

Issues with the interface may dissuade some, but the majority of people will overlook them to play in the casino. Our first stop was the Single-Player Coin Toss, Double Or Nothing. Here you place an automatic bet of .01 KCS with a chance to win .02 KCS or nothing at all. It shouldn’t be overlooked the accessibility of the games by using KuCoin Community Chain’s native token, KCS, instead of their own KUCINO token. I’m not sure if this is a necessity due to smart contracts or if this was a decision made on purpose, but it makes it incredibly simple to hop over to the site and roll the dice after simply connecting your Metamask wallet to the site.

We won our very first gamble!

In complete honesty, we won our very first bet on KUCINO. I’m starting to like this site already! As I’ve said before, we don’t review smart contracts and we make our decisions by closely watching the team and the community around it. I say this because it is my understanding that the genuineness of the smart contracts can be viewed by anyone; but again, we are not experts in smart contracts. And each page of the KUCINO games has a disclaimer that the smart contracts have not been audited.

I was concerned the procedure to get started would include multiple steps that would take a couple plays to get the hang of. It is the exact opposite. It really is as simple as connecting your wallet and clicking Heads or Tails on the Single-Player Coin Toss page. To reiterate, KCSDaily will never give financial advice, but the old saying that “Tails never fails” sure was on display in our first play!

Another cool feature is the Leaderboard. Feel free to donate to the person in last place, they might need it!

After making a little money in the Single-Player Coin Toss, I decided to quit while I was ahead and move onto the next game on the list, the Two-Player Jackpot. In this game, two players deposit KCS and one person wins the pot.

After winning the first pot by depositing the second bet, I put in another bet and waited. No one showed up immediately to take my money so I moved onto the next game while waiting. Current stakes for the Two-Player Jackpot are .0555 KCS each with a chance to win .11 KCS.

Waiting on Player 2 to come take my money

The third game is an instaLOTTO between an unilimited number of players. I dropped in a couple of bets at .001 KCS and then tried to “Finish Game”. From the rules, it states that anyone can end the game at any time to push through the results, but I was unable to finish the game. I did a quick search through the Telegram and could not find this issue addressed. I’m guessing I don’t meet the criteria to finish the game, somehow. For now, my two .01 KCS lottery tickets will sit there with the others until someone else who knows what they are doing comes around to initiate the drawing. I will edit this if/when I find a resolution to the issue I faced.

My two lottery tickets sit waiting for someone to successfully Finish the drawing

Finally, I stopped by the 21-hour lottery, which uses the same rules as the instaLOTTO except with a 21 hour timer on it.

Purchased two tickets to the 21 hour lottery

One thing that would make the experience smoother is a small Refresh Page button added somewhere right by the main interface. This might sound silly since refreshing a website takes two seconds, but new users might be confused as to why their bets don’t show up instantly. Obviously, an automatic update is limited by the interaction of the backend smart contract to the frontend interface, so we would recommend putting a “Refresh” or “Update” button right around the main screens to help facilitate the process.

As for the tokenomics of the KUCINO token, it is clear that a lot of thought and effort went into them and the goal was to give incentives for holders of the token. It has a core reflection that rewards holders in KCS, and there are different tiers available. The highest tier, 1 million KUCINO, gives holders access to the Premium Re-Roller game, which has the highest jackpot payouts in the Kucino.

Dramatization of the Premium Re-Rollers KUCINO game, for holders of 1,000,000+ KUCINO

Other features include the anti-whale launch where everyone was told to avoid trading in the early minutes of the launch. I can personally vouch for Sam, the head of the KUCINO, trying his best to spread the word that users shouldn’t buy right away upon launch, going as far as to shut down the Telegram with a pinned message (that I’m sure some people ignored). And keeping with the gambling theme, there are random jackpots awarded to holders through the smart contract when claiming KCS. The KUCINO team has also implemented multiple features aimed at raising the price floor, such as automatic donations and timed cooldowns for claiming KCS when a holder raises his KUCINO holdings by 2% or more.

With the time-locked jackpots, KUCINO gives a dangerously fun excuse for people to return and get lost playing the other immediate-rewards games. The KUCINO tokenomics are a bit complex but also logical and look like they will help in the long term. KUCINO also stands as one of the very few utility tokens on KCC. The relatively low betting values makes this more of a fun minigame with some small risks than a large-scale gambling operation, and that really fits with the ideals of KuCoin Community Chain. The community around KUCINO is supportive and fun, with a light-hearted approach to their gambling addictions (joking!).

KCSDaily will never give financial advice of any kind, but we recommend stopping in the KUCINO Telegram and getting to know the community and developer, and maybe making a donation via the games they offer!




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